TELL Centre
LOTR Series 2: Finding Your Feet, Becoming Successful, Leading Self, and Working Smart (DE)

This workshop is designed to help participants get established and identify priorities for their development; designed to help participants excel in the workplace; to help participants build their capability and confidence; and to help participants become more effective communicators, team members and to build resilience.


Delivery date

19th - 26th Jun

Duration: 6.0 hours




What you are going to learn
This session will focus on:
1. exploring what you do and setting goals for the future.
2. helping you to learn and thrive within your organisation.
3. helping you to lead self and build your Emotional Intelligence.
4. exploring how to overcome challenges, optimise teamwork and build resilience.
Next Steps
Complete the online module(s) & quiz(zes).
Attend your scheduled session(s).
Log back in and complete ALL requirements.
Download your Certificate of Completion.
Throughout this course you will:
  • Articulate your Professional Identity
  • Identify how to optimise learning
  • Establish some learning goals
  • Identify tips for time management
  • Discuss organisational culture
  • Explore the art of feedback
  • Discuss different learning strategies
  • Identify credible sources of information
  • Identify the importance of self-leadership
  • Action a coaching framework for self & others
  • Discuss the key domains of Emotional Intelligence
  • Build your self-confidence
  • Identify & respond to workplace challenges
  • Recognise different behaviour styles
  • Build communication skills to enhance teamwork
  • Employ tips for developing resilience

Dr Margaret Potter

Benefits of our training programs

  • Active engagement
  • Handouts
  • Assessment
  • Certificate

Practical approach

Our training will provide you with practical skills to implement immediately. Your success is our best asset in showing the quality of our programs.

A useful network

Learn with, from and about others, including sharing strategies that will be beneficial across cultures and countries.